Welcoming 2023’s first Growth Incubator participants

What does a neurodiverse graphic designer, an Indigenous Tourism operator, a refugee with a passion for cooking and an ex-inmate seeking employment have in common?

They’re supported by one of our wonderful social enterprises who have come on board for the 2023 Paul Ramsay Foundation’s (PRF) Social Enterprise Growth Incubator.

Sefa and Sefa Partnerships are absolutely thrilled to be the Foundation’s delivery partners for the Program and are humbled by the rich mixture of impactful organisations who have joined the journey this year. This month, we welcomed eight incredible social enterprises who are taking on the 10-month program designed to support their growth and increase their impact in their communities. The incubator will help the organisations strengthen their operations and impact through customised learning sprints, expert coaches, a dedicated manager and opportunities to connect with fellow participants and the wider sector.

These organisations, all beyond the start-up stage, are working across Australia to break cycles of disadvantage in different ways. From creating employment opportunities for people facing barriers to work to providing a unique education program that strengthens children’s emotional and social skills and resilience. These social enterprises will work closely with industry experts and collaborate to drive their work.

Stay tuned to see how they shape up over the year – and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you see any opportunities for collaboration we can assist with.


About the organisations:

Ability Enterprises (Queensland)
Ability Enterprises provides meaningful employment opportunities to marginalised individuals living in regional Queensland. It collectively employs over 80 people who have faced barriers to employment, across various sectors including waste management, hospitality, maintenance, administration and cleaning industries.  

Blend Creative (South Australia)
Blend Creative is a socially inclusive, multi-service graphic design studio that provides real work opportunities to designers with disabilities.

Free to Feed (Victoria)
Through training, employment and supportive shared food experiences, Free to Feed empowers people seeking asylum and refugees to overcome social and economic barriers to inclusion in Australia.

Fruit2Work (Victoria)
Fruit2Work delivers high quality fruit, milk, and pantry items to workplaces, while providing meaningful employment opportunities for those who have been impacted by the justice system.  

Hamlet (Tasmania)
Hamlet is a social-enterprise café providing hands-on training and work-ready skills to Tasmanians who face barriers to securing employment and participating in the community.

Hotel Etico (NSW)
Located in the historic Mount Victoria Manor in the Blue Mountains, Hotel Etico is Australia’s first social enterprise hotel, providing vocational training and independent living skills for young adults with learning disabilities.

Social Science Translated (Queensland/online)
Through its flagship espionage-themed program, Secret Agent Society (SAS), Social Science Translated works to strengthen the emotional and social skills and resilience of eight to 12-year-olds, including children diagnosed with autism, ADHD and anxiety.

Welcome to Country (NSW/online)
Welcome to Country is a not-for-profit organisation addressing employment and economic development outcomes in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities by providing a national online marketplace for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experiences and products.