Behind the Impact • Kate Webster

Meet Kate Webster, a Relationship Manager in Sefa's Social Finance team, where every day is about more than just numbers and spreadsheets. Kate's role revolves around building meaningful relationships with organisations, assessing their readiness for loans, and ensuring that financial solutions support rather than strain them. Her journey into impact investment was sparked by a desire to align her career with her values, a path that led her from traditional finance roles to the heart of social finance at Sefa. In this spotlight, we uncover the passion and insights that drive Kate's work and explore how she helps purpose-driven organisations navigate their financial journeys.

Can you tell us a little bit about your role on the team and what your day-to-day responsibilities entail?

As a Relationship Manager in the Social Finance team at Sefa, my role is all about building and nurturing relationships with organisations that could benefit from our loans. My day-to-day involves evaluating if a loan is the right fit for an organisation’s current stage of growth to ensure we don't put unnecessary financial stress on them. After a loan is approved, I continue working closely with the organisation to monitor both their progress and the loan’s performance. And if the timing isn’t quite right for them now, I make sure to stay in touch, so we’re ready to revisit opportunities when the moment is better.

What's your go-to productivity hack when you need to power through a big project or deadline?

I have to admit, my go-to productivity hack is a strong cup of coffee (or two)…

If you could switch jobs with anyone on the team for a day, who would it be and why?

Honestly, I’d switch jobs with Max, who has the same role as I do! I’m really passionate about what I do, and I love the direct impact we have on the organisations we support.

What's the most interesting thing you've learned or accomplished in your role so far?

One of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned is the incredible passion that people bring to the organisations we work with. Even in challenging circumstances, with limited resources and tackling tough societal issues, these individuals show up every day with remarkable determination and drive. It’s truly inspiring to see how much heart and dedication they have for their work.

What motivated you to pursue a career in this field, and how did you get started in your current role?

I've spent over 17 years working in finance, focusing on ESG and climate change within investments. My interest in impact investment sparked during my Master’s in Sustainability when I had the chance to work on projects with Impact Investing Australia and research gender lens investing. I immediately felt a strong alignment with the values and purpose behind impact investment and knew I wanted to pursue this path. When I saw the role at Sefa in 2023, I jumped at the opportunity, knowing it was the perfect fit for my skills and passion.

What do you think are the biggest challenges facing your team or industry right now?

One of the biggest challenges we face is wanting to support every organisation that reaches out to us. Unfortunately, with limited resources, it’s not always possible, especially for early-stage organisations. But I’m hopeful that as these organisations grow and mature, we’ll have more opportunities to revisit those conversations and find ways to provide the support they need.

What do you enjoy most about your job, and what advice would you give to someone who is interested in pursuing a similar career path?

What I love most about my job is the strong alignment of values and knowing that everything we do is aimed at improving outcomes for people and the planet in Australia. It’s not always an easy path, but if you have the determination, a passion for making a difference, and a desire to align your career with your values, then this could be the perfect field for you.

Kate Webster's work at Sefa is a powerful reminder of the impact that thoughtful finance can have on communities and the environment. Her dedication to aligning financial solutions with the values of social enterprises reflects Sefa’s broader mission to foster sustainable growth and positive social outcomes. For anyone considering a career in social finance, Kate's advice is clear: find your alignment, embrace the challenges, and stay committed to making a difference. Through her role, Kate continues to champion the power of finance as a tool for good, contributing to a more equitable and sustainable future.