Say hello to Hannah, Sefa Partnerships' Head of Programs

What led you to working at Sefa Partnerships?  

As boring as it may sound, a shared office space! Sefa moved into the office while the impact organisation I was working for was winding up. The crossover allowed me to find an awesome new organisation to work with and, most importantly, a home for the ongoing resourcing of programs for the social impact sector. 

What is the most interesting project you have worked on with Sefa Partnerships?

All the projects have been interesting and it’s a constant privilege to be exposed to the many and varied ways that people are seeking to make the world a more equitable, sustainable and caring place.

My main reflection on what I have learned from my wonderful colleagues and the social entrepreneurs we work with is that there is so much we have to ‘un-learn’ in order to make change. That we all have entrenched ways of working and thinking about things, even when we are trying to make change. The value in being able to identify, or being called out on, your assumptions is so important. What I enjoy most about this work is the continuous exploration of how we can better reconcile individual and collective needs in economy and community. 

Can you share a ‘fun fact’ about yourself?  

I once spent two weeks as a shepherd in the Italian Alps where I learned that a) it is possible to make excellent chocolate cake with olive oil and b) I don’t like sheep.

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