The Weekender - Summer 2021

Welcome our Sefa recruit Max in the role of Portfolio Analyst! Let’s find out what he likes to do on the weekend.

 To get the weekend started Max likes to make the most of the morning.

Usually I am up early, getting a head start of the day.  

For breakfast, he keeps things healthy - with scope for the occasional treat.

I like to keep it healthy most days - granola, fruit & yogurt but on the weekends I do enjoy a cheeky chocolate croissant…

News comes from a strong source.

Can’t beat The Guardian!

Max makes good use of coastal living for exercise

Living close to the beach means lots of swimming, walking, and running with friends. Over lockdown I got hooked on yoga.

For lunch, he wants to explore the best of the Sydney food scene

Having recently moved to Sydney, I love to get out and about checking out places to grab a bite to eat. Please send through more lunch spot suggestions!

His pantry essentials are the classics - with almonds.

Fresh fruit and vegetables (not quite pantry), olive oil & salt, almonds.

His ideal dinner menu will make us all want to join him.

Keep it simple - warm bread with butter & salt, fresh pasta and finish it off with a nice piece of cake.

To do all this eating out, Max keeps his style casual.

Very much a shorts and t-shirt kind of guy, very low key. I do quite enjoy op shopping though, so I may have to keep an eye out for a funky new shirt and some bright pants!

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