Say hello to Renee, Sefa's Head of Engagement

What led you to working at Sefa? 

I’m committed to contributing to better outcomes for people and the planet and have a diverse set of professional experiences that support that ambition. I’ve worked in the financial markets and with farmers in rural Cambodia. I’ve been responsible for running and funding health programs in Asia, providing program and policy advice for the Federal Government and delivering advisory services to clients in the health, education and human services sectors in Australia and internationally. I’ve studied business, international relations and public health and worked in the public, private and not-for profit sectors. I happily leverage all these experiences, draw on the passion of people that I have been lucky enough to meet across these opportunities and channel my curiosity about whether it’s possible to influence and change the systems that have led to structural disadvantage in Australia, in my new role at Sefa. I couldn’t be happier with where I have landed! 

What is the most interesting project you have worked on/thing you’ve learned about since you started? 

There are two great pieces of work that I have been lucky enough to have been involved in. The first was a research paper to explore how philanthropic capital can be deployed to address Australia’s affordable housing crisis. It was brilliant to work with the team to explore international experiences and develop case studies to highlight the complex nature of financing to unlock supply of affordable accommodation. We also included financial modelling of different options and I hope that Australian philanthropists will use this new piece of evidence as they consider how they can contribute to addressing some of the barriers to supply.  

The second piece of work was with an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation – working with their leadership team to explore the organisation’s investment readiness. It was a privilege to work with an organisation that delivers such vital social, emotional, health and wellbeing services to the community and to contribute to the capabilities it needs to ultimately take on investment to support growth of its impact in the community.  

Can you share a ‘fun fact’ about yourself? 

I love the idea of being a nomad and travelling is my passion. I’m halfway along in my ambition to join the ‘100 country club’ but COVID has meant that this year there’s a bit of a hiatus on the international front. So, like most of us in Australia, with my children and partner we are taking the opportunity to explore ‘home’ a bit more. Over summer we will travel to Port Lincoln to swim with sea lions – which, when I am confident that there is no great white lurking and that my extra thick wet suit is working, I am sure will be loads of fun!

BlogMia Lumb