Sefa Partnerships:

Learning and Innovation Programs

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Where it fits in:

Learning and Innovation Programs are a key component to the Sefa Partnerships model of creating impact through capital funding and capability building.

Innovation to us is the process of creating and implementing new ideas to generate value – and borrowing from Rediscovering Social Innovation, we take a systems approach to social innovation, where the novel solution is “more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than existing solutions” and where value creation “accrues primarily to society as a whole rather than private individuals.”

Our learning and innovation programs deliver systems-wide insights for social entrepreneurs, non-profits, government and corporate organisations, and are delivered by our in-house team and network of subject matter experts in specialty areas including:

  • Impact & outcomes measurement

  • Organisational resilience

  • Social finance & investment readiness

  • Theory of change Governance to drive growth


Explore Sefa Partnership’s work in Learning and Innovation


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